DIREXIS TGO and DIREXIS MASATS hand out solidarity roses from Grup Àuria

Today, 23 April 2024, Sant Jordi’s Day, users of the regular lines of DIREXIS TGO and DIREXIS MASATS were surprised with a gesture full of affection and social commitment. The Àuria Foundation, a group of entities that work to guarantee autonomy, quality of life and equal opportunities, handed out roses of solidarity to those who rely on the mobility companies for their daily journeys.
This initiative reflects a long-standing collaboration between GrupTG DX and Grup Àuria. For years, both companies have worked together to support those in vulnerable situations, always seeking to innovate in their efforts to improve quality of life and promote labour inclusion.
From its commitment to corporate social responsibility, GrupTG DX continues to demonstrate its commitment to the community. Through various actions, such as sponsorships, patronage and collaborations, the company contributes to the development and social cohesion in the municipalities where it operates, thus promoting the progress and well-being of all.