TGO DX celebrates its centenary institutional event
- The mobility company commemorated its 100th anniversary at an event at the Daina-Isard School, which was attended by Carles Fàbregas, Managing Director of DIREXIS; Carme Pros, CEO of GrupTG DX; Miquel Riera, Mayor of Olesa de Montserrat and Albert Castellanos, Secretary for Enterprise and Competitiveness of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
- During the speeches, Carme Pros, CEO of GrupTG DX, highlighted the effort and efficiency of the TGO DX team as one of the keys to celebrating 100 years and placed digitalisation and decarbonisation as future challenges for the company. He also had words of remembrance for the previous manager, Salvador Alapont, and emphasised the importance of women in the history of the company: the company has been run by women for fifty years.
Last Friday, 10th June, the mobility company TGO DX celebrated its centenary with an emotional institutional event at the Espacio Vitruvio of the Daina-Isard School. The event, which was attended by more than a hundred people who have contributed to the company’s 100th anniversary, was attended by Carles Fàbregas, General Director of DIREXIS; Carme Pros, CEO of GrupTG DX; Miquel Riera, Mayor of Olesa de Montserrat and Albert Castellanos, Secretary for Enterprise and Competitiveness of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The event, which was conducted by Olga Solà, began with a brief historical review of the hundred years of the company and a testimonial video where several voices linked to the trajectory of TGO DX showed the importance that the company has had in their lives.
During the speeches, the speeches began with Carles Fàbregas, CEO of DIREXIS, who highlighted the values that the mobility group shares with TGO DX, such as the spirit of social transformation, inclusion, solidarity and commitment to the environment, the territory and the people who live there. In the same way, he highlighted the great ability of TGO DX to adapt to all the situations it has encountered during its century of life. “Over the years, TGO DX has been able to overcome difficult times and adapt to new needs, such as digitalisation and sustainability”, he stressed.
For her part, Carme Pros, CEO of TGO DX, began her speech by thanking all the people, collaborators, clients and administrations who, over the years, have placed their trust in the company’s services. “The list would be endless,” he confessed. He also emphasised the importance of the company’s human team, whose efforts and commitment have made the company advance to become a benchmark company in the mobility sector. Looking back over the hundred years of the company’s life, Pros highlighted the entrepreneurial spirit of Joaquín Vilá and Bruno Blanes, who founded TGO DX in 1922, as well as the management skills of Amèlia Camats and Teresa Figueras, managers of the company during the post-civil war and Franco’s dictatorship. At this point, Pros stressed that, for more than half a century, the company has been run by women.
However, the most emotional moment of the speech was the words of deep gratitude that Carme Pros addressed to Salvador Alapont, former manager of the company who died suddenly in 2015. “It was a difficult time for the whole TGO DX family, but we came out stronger and more prepared to face new challenges,” she said. Regarding Alapont, Pros remarked on his great management skills and the cohesion of the company’s team. As for the future, Pros said she was determined to move towards sustainable, decarbonised, shared and digitalised mobility, with the incorporation of new electric vehicles, the inauguration of new facilities and technological solutions such as “We will face the future with great enthusiasm and with the desire to continue adding, as so many people have done over the last 100 years”, he explained.
Similarly, Miquel Riera, Mayor of Olesa, expressed the need to continue moving towards greener cities. “It is important to recover the city for people. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to bet on collective transport, such as the bus. I welcome TGO DX’s commitment to decarbonisation and to the territory”, he said. Riera also thanked TGO DX for having put people, the environment and the territory at the heart of the company’s DNA.
Finally, Albert Castellanos, Secretary for Enterprise and Competitiveness of the Generalitat of Catalonia, remarked that Catalonia is going through a time of great changes in the mobility sector, led by the need to decarbonise travel. In this sense, following Riera’s line, Castellanos assured that it is necessary to reduce the use of private vehicles and to bet on collective transport. “From the Government of the Generalitat de Catalunya, we would like to congratulate TGO DX for continuing to offer an efficient, safe and quality service more than a hundred years after its foundation. Mobility is moving towards decarbonisation and the company is already adapting at a good pace”, he said.
The event ended with a snack and the presentation to all attendees of the book ‘TGO DX. Cien años acompañándote’, published on the occasion of the centenary of the company by Edicions Paper d’Estrassa. The book reviews the history of the mobility company, from its foundation to the present day. The celebration of the company’s centenary will continue in 2022 with more activities, such as an exhibition that will open in November.