- The company, which celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2022, will publish a book tracing the history of the company, which will include the key factors that have made it grow and outline the brand’s plans for the future.
The mobility company TGO DX will publish a book about its history in the mobility sector in 2022. The company, one of the brands of GrupTG DX, will thus compile its history for the first time in a publication published on the occasion of the celebration of the centenary of its birth, in 1922. “It will be a book that will allow us to follow the life of TGO DX, from its birth to the challenges we face to continue growing, strong and with great enthusiasm”, says Carme Pros, CEO of GrupTG DX.
Specifically, the book will go beyond the company’s historical trajectory. In this sense, its pages will also highlight the values that move the company every day; it will include interviews with people who have contributed to making it reach its 100th anniversary fully consolidated; and it will outline the challenges that TGO DX has ahead, such as the implementation of the electric bus, the construction of new facilities and the promotion of the innovative on-demand transport system, ideal for areas with low population density. At the same time, the publication will be written in simple language and with visual elements that will allow citizens to discover the company from a new point of view.