Successful start of service on the new M9 line between Esparreguera and Terrassa
DIREXIS TGO’s new M9 bus line has had an excellent start since its launch on 2 April. It quickly and efficiently connects the municipalities of Esparreguera and Abrera with Terrassa via the recently inaugurated section of the B-40 between Olesa de Montserrat and Viladecavalls.
During the first month of operation, the M9 line carried a total of 785 people, with an average of 37 passengers per day, with the largest number of passengers recorded on 25 April, with a total of 52. On seven days, we exceeded 40 passengers, and only on three occasions was demand less than 30.
Although demand was fairly balanced in both directions on the line, we observed that more passengers travelled in the Terrassa direction. Moreover, 44% of demand was concentrated in the morning, while 22% was during midday.
These figures confirm the excellent reception by users in the three municipalities, thus creating a line that quickly connects the two counties of Vallès Occidental and Baix Llobregat.