Carme Pros present at the UEA Inquieta Round Table

Today Carme Pros, CEO of MasatsTG DX and GrupTG DX, has participated in the round table within the event called “Radiography of the business reality of women in Anoia” organized by the Business Union of Anoia Inquieta and held at the Bella Tannery in Igualada.
The UEA Inquieta has presented a study prepared by the working committee of the Business Union of Anoia that works to position, empower and give visibility.
Through “Business radiography of women in Anoia”, the study determines the weight of women entrepreneurs and managers in all the companies of Anoia; it shows the socio-demographic and labor profile of businesswomen, managers and professionals; training; commitments and equality policies implemented in companies and the perceived obstacles in the development of women’s careers; but also, challenges and ideas for the future.
The event was attended by Carlota Carner, Councilor for Governance, Housing, Equality, LTGBIQ+ and Universities of the City Council of Igualada and by Lidia Devant, Deputy Director General of the Directorate of Cures, Organization of Time and Equity at Work of the Department of Equality and Feminisms of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
Later in the presentation of the conclusions of the study, a round table was held with the participation of women entrepreneurs and managers of the region of strongly masculinized sectors: Nuria Grau, manager of Unic Rentals; Carme Pros, CEO of GrupTG DX; Elena Carballo, director of human resources at HMS Networks; who presented the challenges during their careers, the equality policies implemented by their companies, and also, a message for future generations.