Two TGO DX buses now have the winning illustrations of the centenary school competition.

Two TGO DX buses already have the winning illustrations of the school competition organised to commemorate the centenary of the transport company.

The competition, with the theme ‘Bus transport and sustainability‘, was attended by a large number of primary, secondary and high school students from schools in the areas where the company provides its services regularly, such as Baix Llobregat and Vallès Occidental.

The winners, chosen by a jury formed by the management and team of professionals at TGO DX and by Lluís Sallés and Xavier Roca, teachers and specialists in graphic design, were:

  • Valentina Vicent Rodríguez, de l’Escola Mercè Rodoreda (Martorell).
  • Jan Floriach Mata, de l’Escola Rosella (Viladecavalls).
  • Isabel Frías Urbano, del Col·legi Pureza de María Sant Cugat (Sant Cugat del Vallès).
  • Biel Moreno Lluberes, de l’Escola Daina-Isard (Olesa de Montserrat).
