TGO DX renews the Biosphere certificate for another year

Last Tuesday, 28th June, the mobility company TGO DX received the annual Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle certificate for having managed to demonstrate compliance with the Biosphere Sustainable actions aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, to involve employees in a common project and to be positively valued by its customers.

The event took place at the Llotja de Mar in Barcelona where a total of 844 companies, including 68 from the Baix Llobregat, received the Biosphere certifications and distinctions of the Commitment to Sustainable Tourism Barcelona Biosphere Destination programme.

The certificate was received by Silvia Felez, director of Human Capital and Financial Management, and Judit Martínez, head of CSR and projects at TGO DX.

Destination Barcelona, the city and the three tourism brands of the province, promoted by the Provincial Council (Barcelona Coast, Barcelona Landscapes and Barcelona Pyrenees), has become the first destination in the world to receive Platinum Certification. The Responsible Tourism Institute has awarded Destination Barcelona the Biosphere Platinum Certification for its desire to promote environmentally friendly and committed tourism from the same institutions. Abigail Garrido, deputy for tourism at Barcelona Provincial Council, and Jaume Collboni, deputy mayor of Barcelona City Council, received the award at a ceremony held at the Llotja de Mar in Barcelona.

Through the Biosphere seal, the Responsible Tourism Institute has been promoting responsible tourism on an international scale for more than twenty years, helping agents in the tourism sector to develop a new way of travelling and getting to know the world around us. The organisation is associated with the World Tourism Organisation, linked to UNESCO and accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

In the recently published report, “Recommendations for tools and certification for in-depth research”, produced by the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, in collaboration with Tourisme Durable Quebec, the Biosphere certification received the highest score of all the certifications analysed on the market, with 100%. It confirms that the Biosphere methodology is the only one in the world that certifies the continuous improvement to all the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda and the 169 goals. In addition to Abigail Garrido, Deputy for Tourism of Barcelona Provincial Council, and Jaume Collboni, First Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City Council, the event was attended by Mònica Roca i Aparici, President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, and Marian Muro, Director General of the Barcelona Tourism Consortium. In addition, representatives of the Institute for Responsible Tourism and the Biosphere Destination Community addressed a few words to the companies that received the award today.